Friday, April 08, 2005


Hey there everybody!

Thought I'd write a quick note just to say that I'm over in France at the moment.. The bar I'm in writing this charges a euro for 15 minutes usage of their internet so I \must be quick.

And sorry for spelling errors as I'm writing this on a laptop that I'm not used to and therefore things could go wrong...

Well, the flight here was fine.. \Mouse thought that I was asleep at one point but then looked at me dead shocked when I told her I was doin church things and praying! Shock horror!

So then we got here, snow was a bit disappointing but it's more then enough to keep us going for a week. Got shouted at today for going the wrong way down a slope.. I would've thought that there was only one way down a slope and that that way would be down it but hey... we live and learn. We boarded all over all the mountains and we have a pass for the three valleys of which we are staying in the middle one so we are clearly able to explore! Ski passes cost Euros228 for the week... so much for not spending money this week. oops... soory mum..

Yesterday was the day off for the seasonaires so we had to survive on our own for food last night and we went to a little restaurant which charged a ridiculous amount for a pizza... oh well... can't take it with you...

I would seriously recommmend reading Hebrews 12 by the way... it's quality and the first chapter I read over here. I read it the day I left too but re-read it here and its still quality. I'll leave you all to figure out why that it is...

Things are going really well generally over here and back there I hear that the religious hate thing didn't et passed...unlucky Blair!

I guess I'll try and update this again later in the week.

Please text me as only Suz has so far and I'm bitterly lonely... well... not really.. but text me anyway..

[listening to:- Nirvana on MTV]
[contemplating:- how much this is gonna cost me.]


Blogger Exile from GROGGS said...

Cut some powder for me, dude.

8:24 pm  

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