Monday, March 06, 2006

The Media are ridiculous...

This article is a bit silly....

Again, I don't like get Reg's comments...

If you actually listen to the interview or read the transcript, Blair hasn't actually used "God as a get-out for total strategic failure". All he stated in the context was that he will be judged for his actions by both the people and, for those people who believe in God, (like he does altough he didn't state it in the interview itself) he will be under judgement by Him as well.

Mr Keys has missed the point of what Tony Blair has said, almost completely! In stating that "the people who will be his judge is not God, it will be the families of the bereaved British soldiers and it will be the families of the bereaved innocent Iraqis who have all been slaughtered in this totally unnecessary conflict" he has mis-heard, or just ignored, the fact that Tony Blair actually stated that he would be judged BY THE PEOPLE!!! as well as God.

In saying that religion had nothing to do with the war as well, he appears to have missed Bush's claim that it was God that told him to go to war... In fact he has later been quoted in the same article with the following statement...
"He accused Mr Blair of "jumping on the same bandwagon" as US President George W Bush, who caused a storm after saying he decided to invade Iraq because he was on a "mission from God". "

Christians surely believe that they will be accountable for all of their actions! Including going to war! So why should Tony Blair shy away from saying that he believes that he will be judged and held accountable for it?

Sorry for the rant but it really started to grind my gears...


Car breaking down at rush hour on Thursday evening...

AA membership through a Platinum card membership - £15 a month
New Clutch - £175
Labour to fit it - £200(!)
The joy of having a snowboard holiday cancelled to pay for it all - priceless

Last week wasn't the best... This week hasn't started that well either! because as you may or may not know, I'm trying to buy a flat at the moment... credit card bills are therefore not good in the least!

Take care y'all! See you all soon!

[listening to :- Pete talk about Chelsea]
[contemplating :- taking a week off...]