Monday, March 06, 2006

The Media are ridiculous...

This article is a bit silly....

Again, I don't like get Reg's comments...

If you actually listen to the interview or read the transcript, Blair hasn't actually used "God as a get-out for total strategic failure". All he stated in the context was that he will be judged for his actions by both the people and, for those people who believe in God, (like he does altough he didn't state it in the interview itself) he will be under judgement by Him as well.

Mr Keys has missed the point of what Tony Blair has said, almost completely! In stating that "the people who will be his judge is not God, it will be the families of the bereaved British soldiers and it will be the families of the bereaved innocent Iraqis who have all been slaughtered in this totally unnecessary conflict" he has mis-heard, or just ignored, the fact that Tony Blair actually stated that he would be judged BY THE PEOPLE!!! as well as God.

In saying that religion had nothing to do with the war as well, he appears to have missed Bush's claim that it was God that told him to go to war... In fact he has later been quoted in the same article with the following statement...
"He accused Mr Blair of "jumping on the same bandwagon" as US President George W Bush, who caused a storm after saying he decided to invade Iraq because he was on a "mission from God". "

Christians surely believe that they will be accountable for all of their actions! Including going to war! So why should Tony Blair shy away from saying that he believes that he will be judged and held accountable for it?

Sorry for the rant but it really started to grind my gears...


Blogger Tom King said...

I disagree.. Blair's just much cleverer than Bush is in terms of how he plays the media. This article actually made me respect Bush a bit more - at least he's got the guts to come out and say it.

The BBC's reporting of the article isn't at all ridiculous. Seems pretty factual to me.

4:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The moon is moving about 2.5cm away from the earth every year.
Do you think God designed this to happen? If so, why?

8:03 pm  
Blogger mrjohnfernandez said...

A few things...

1- If anything this article has done nothing to help those that were against the war. The arguements it states appear to be, well... rubbish. Whilst I have the utmost sympathy for the relatives of anyone who has died during this conflict, they appear to have drawn a wrong conclusion from what was said. Having watched the interview, it WAS NOT Blairs intention to go to war because of religion. It may have been to placate Big Brother America, but that IS NOT WHAT IS IN QUESTION.
The fact that Blair states, is that in some peoples opinion, he will have to bear account before God.
You will note, he does not say it is his opinion!
The fact that Bush went to war because it was a "mission from God" is basically beside the point in this argument because Blair is not saying that he [Blair] went to war because of religion. Had he been saying so, Keys would have some right to be angry at the jumping on the religious band wagon.

In response to the (oh so bold) anonymous comment...
You have helped my earlier argumet. Why are you asking me this question? Is it because you have yourself jumped to the conclusion [albeit correctly] that I believe in God? despite the fact that I have not actually stated in the post that I do...?
Thirdly, in response to your questions, you have also made an assumption. Primarily, either you believe in God or you don't.
If you don't then does it matter one way or the other? Does science have an answer to why the moon is moving away from the earth. And I don't mean what has caused it to move away. I mean what is the purpose of it moving away! If it doesn't, which I don't think you will find it does, how would you measure my answer anyway?
next, I happen to think that He [God] did design it, and indeed everything else.
Do I know why? no
Do I need to know why? apart from to try to answer this trivial question, no

The question I put back to you is this: If you do believe in a creator God, or if you are even questioning whether you do or not? IF, just if, there is even the remotest possibility that He does exist, are there not slightly more pressing matters you need to be addressing?
Is it not more important that it was created full stop, rather then why it happens to be moving away 2.5cm away every year...
on a seperate note... I want to actually meet the person that thought one day, "Hang on... that moon looks... yes! It looks further away then last year!"
I hope you write back and pick flaws in the above...I look forward to it in fact!

11:46 pm  

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