Thursday, December 09, 2004

Back - Following Popular Demand...

Guess Who's back,
back again,
Johny's back!
Tell a friend...

Not that they'd be in the least bit interested but hey...

I have been deliberating a new ponderance...

Why do people work 7 hours a day, usually 5 days a week, suffer morning and evening traffic, to sit in front of a computer doing things that when they were kids were definitely not what they dreamed of being. I'm talking about working for a large multinational corporation, like I do. Please understand that I do enjoy my job, this isn't necessarily about me but I will draw on some personal experience.

At School, we always dreamed of being something grand, something important, useful or helpful. We wanted to be able to say at the end of it all, I came, I saw and I conquered... I did what I wanted to do and enjoyed every minute of it.

However, how many of us working types can truly say that is who we have ended up?

So what went wrong?

Did we not study hard enough? Did we slack in our lessons? Should we have stayed in that night to finish that assignment to make sure that we got the grade we needed to ensure that college/university would accept us?

Are our parents to blame? Bringing us up to believe that if we want something bad enough we can accheive it? (I want to fly, no matter how much I want that I cant see it happening...)

This is not a rheotorical question...

I want some answers.

After about 3 days or so, just before I go on holiday (Hurrah! - ed) I will read peoples answers (if there are any that is...) and respond to each and every one, eventually drawing my own conclusion and ignoring what other people have suggested...

I look forward to hearing from you, one and all!

[listening to:- colleagues whispering suspiciously]
[contemplating:- what to get the person I have drawn for secret Santa]

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Please forward your confirmation within the next 14 days to ensure cover remains in place...

In this, albeit crumbling, world - "ruled" by people who should know better and who chose to ignore things such as popular belief and voters choice - why is there so many un-satisfied youth groups around?

I believe Mark B and Blade summed it up well in their 2001 single, "The Unknown".

Blade:[We are the unknown]Sometimes it feels like im chasing dimes
Nothing is goin your way
You've been recording endlessly
Sleepless nights aimlessly
Songs wasted cos tapes are gathering dust
Step 1 - we're talented
Step 2 - who can we trust?
The industry is full of cutthroats,
force holds
Money controls,
killin wit many souls...anything goes
You know the rules
But if you ain't part of the click
you ain't part of the plan
So you might as well quit
Studios costing the earth to hire
You feel you could set the world on fire
If you had a deal
But lets be real about this
Its ain't what you know, its who know
It's all a game and we're all part of the show
What's the role that you play?
Can you do it your way?
You need a hell of .a. lot .a. luck being from the UK
You can say what you wanna say
But remember it's rare that you.ll be getting continuous airplay.

We are the unknown.
Now you know the name
You're about to enter a higher-level dimension
We are fantastic.
We are the unknown.
Now you know the name
Break the barriers and persist to climb

Many have travelled down the road that you're about to take
Made, many mistakes while searching for the perfect break
Years of hardship,
ripped jeans,
a bearded face
You were there at the wrong time and the wrong place
Maybe next time when you ain't looking desperate
They.ll be on you like a rash
Yeah you guessed it
They wanna know your name,
where you're from
How long you been an entertainer for
And who wrote the songs
Yeah, you know Danny from Sony?
Mike at Universal?
Paul from R.C.A?
I met her at the dress rehearsal
Name checkin can get you recognised
But in the mean time try to survive this further
It's all game to them,
but to us its life or death
Or maybe they just like a bit .a. debt
Or maybe they just don't understand
What it means to be poor
I refused to perform but we go on.

We are the unknown.

Artistical brain waves of the un-sizables
The streets recognise your names all of the time been recording for years and you're well renowned
Situations confuse you
Bad luck pursues you
Promoters hire you for your services and use you
They fail to pay you
They aim to play you
My advice is play the game
Like they do
Who knows what is round the corner
It could be the break that been waitin for
As a performer
Except something's about to happen
Keep it up
Never give it up
No matter what they all might say
One day you could pay off
Watch the .palacites.
Prow your money
Like you're some sort of megastar
But in the mean time trying to survive is murder
And the conditions you're living in could never be worse
Its in your blood,
you're addicted
Nothing can change that
Make your move .
this is payback.

We are the unknown.
Now you know the name
Mark B,
We are fantastic
Break through barriers and persist to climb.
We are the unknown.

The youth of today doesn't subscribe to this mentallity! If it looks like hard work then it's not worth the struggle. If asked today what they would be prepared to do in order to improve their standards of living, a resounding I'd give anything, work however hard I could, shortly followed by an apethetic silence, the cracking of another can of Diamond White and the dull vibration of another free ringtone being sent direct to their phone.

Their is plently of room for change!

When children have a goal, a direction, some sort of focus they can use that to drive themselves forward.

Why are programmes such as the X-factor so popular. Why are people willing to make themselves, on the most part look like ignorami in front of the nation? Because they see a promising career in the music industry? read the lyrics above again... is the industry made for the artists? No. Of course not. It's made for the suits who will use whichever latest fad and trend to style an artist to the pinacle of idolatry before they lose their sparkle and are discarded. Whatever happened to Michelle McManus?

So why do people want to put themselve up for this? Surely it's a quick fix! Money quick for no real effort. And watching the attempts at singing that some people offer it's clear that no effort is being put in...

Why should people put effort in? not just to "Pop Idol" auditions but generally... What's the point? in life generally? What's the point if when we die we rot?
They need some reward. Without a reward surely it's pointless? So why should the youth of today bother to work at this country. Why should people care about who's in charge of the country? Why should we care about the election in America? What's the reward? The youth isn't represented by the Government... the youth are the unknown! the apethetic mentality has started a viscious cycle. Without the youth taking an interest in the country's mandate on the single european currency, the worries and cares of the youth wont be addressed.

Please note that all of the above is really just a tired rant and really doesn't draw any conclusions. I would like to thank all the people who have just bothered to read the whole thing, and in the same breath would apologise for wasting your time.

Also, I apologise for the title of this entry as it, upon reflection, bears no real resemblance (spelling-D'oh!) to what has been written...

I would also hasten to add that the questions that are asked are in the majority rhetorical and pose no real requirement to be answered by anyone. However, it would be nice to one day have a post on this site that is something other then, "send a new post."

[listening to:- American Idiot - Green Day]
[contemplating:- going snowboarding tomorrow]
I promise the next time I post anything it will be side splittingly funny